Hi, I'm Chris!

I am a Software Engineer

About me

About Me

Hello! I am a Software Engineer that enjoys solving problems by writing effective software solutions in Javascript, Python and React. I have a strong drive to approach complex problems with a positive attitude mindset. When I'm not coding, I enjoy staying active, reading non-fiction literature, and spending time with my wife! I believe no task is too great, when broken down to the smallest pieces and creating a plan of action.

My Tech Skills

My Projects


Block Party

Block Party is a theme based social media app that gives logged in users full CRUD access thorughout the application. Sign up and create a Profile using Django Authentication. Everyone has access to the 'Global' group to meet and talk with other users. If youre from the same state as someone, then you can communicate in a separate private group. Post, reply, and edit all of your own content!

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Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness is a full-stack application that enables users to post, view, edit and delete comments following full RESTful routing, giving the user access to full CRUD functionality. Registered user input through the server-side Mongoose database using MongoDB. Rendered the front-end with EJS Implemented Authentication using OAth to provide a smooth sign-in experience for the user using their Google account.

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Hangman Game

This is a single player version of Hangman, playable on a web browser. The user is able to guess the hidden word by selecting any of the letters available. The user has 8 opportunities to guess the correct word. At the end of the game, the user is presented with the option to play a new game.

Try it! Repo

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